Metaphysics_by_mearone Pictures, Images and Photos
flags of spirituality Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, August 30, 2013

Finding Peace

In silence I sit here
Savoring the nothing that I hear.
Thoughts cease racing,
My mind becoming clear.
Worries are but a breath,
Exhaled become nothing.

Sinking gently deeper
I melt into the calm.
Namaste explains this place,
It is of love,
It's where we're

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Letter To The Other Side

Dear Mother with love,

I think about you everyday and miss you all the time.
How's life on the other side?
Is it beautiful like they say,
in a mystical kind of way?
You're always so happy 
in our dreams.

I've been told that 
you're always with me.
I can't see,
but I believe.

Life isn't the same without you,
so much has changed.
When it rains, it pours
When the sun chases away the clouds;
that rainbow that follows
reminds me
to keep looking on the bright side.

Tonight I'll light a fire
and hand this letter
to the flame.
As the smoke rises
and fades away,
I know in my heart
that this letter will find you.