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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Eye Open One Eye Shut

I've decided that this is how I shall walk through this year. Not literally of course, I'm not going to walk around like a freak stuck winking at everyone 24/7. Perhaps I'd break some sort of stupid record, but I think I'd also develop very sore facial muscles & lines on my face I could do without.

Just a figure of speech, a metaphor if you will. One eye I will keep open, to see all of what is now. Observing what is right, I will be grateful for. That which is wrong, I also will be grateful for as there is a lesson to be learned from it which will help me grow. My other eye will remain closed, not to be distracted by present but rather to imagine & dream wonderful things in my future that will soon come to be.

I will be very aware and mindful of my sense of well being for I know that when that feeling is good I'm on the right path. As my life unfolds before me I'll open my other eye to take in all things I am grateful for. The more grateful I am, the more I'll have to be grateful for. Life is good and I'm grateful for everything it has given me.

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