Metaphysics_by_mearone Pictures, Images and Photos
flags of spirituality Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, September 15, 2012

An Angel In My Eyes

Nurtured by your womb
A soul within a soul.
Within darkness
Into the light,
Then began
The cycle
Of my life.

Baby steps
You held my hands.
School plays
You smiled and laughed.
Teenage years
Shit, I'm sorry.

I learned my lessons
I smartened up.
You stood by my side
No matter what.

Hair greying
I thought it was time
A grandmother once
A grandmother twice.
Such a good one
I'd say the best.
Always here with us
Til I laid you to rest.

Even cancer couldn't
bring you down
You smiled and laughed
and joked around.
You were so brave
You kept me strong.
I focused on the now
Not when you'd be gone.

Never knowing when,
You were doing so well.
A sudden turn,
And then downhill.
Three days at your bedside
I held your hands.
Laboured breathing
Became less and less.
My arms became your blanket
I shed tears upon your chest.
You bowed your head
As if to hug me,
Closed your eyes..
Your final rest.